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Your FREE Supply Chain Transparency Report
FSIC Inc. does a FREE, Comprehensive Supply Chain Transparency Report
To Ensure Value for ALL our Potential Clients
The Supply Chain Transparency Report will give you in-depth detail of your past 90 days of purchases from Manufacturers, Distributors & Specialty Deliveries. FSIC Inc. analyzes all purchases and solves compliance issues with Vendors, Pricing & Product.
FSIC Inc. believes every Restaurant should get the Right Product, from the Right Vendor, at the right Price. Always.
What FSIC Inc. Can Do For Your Restaurant Group
Price Compliance
We monitor every invoice across all distributors & distribution points.
Product Compliance
We monitor the product from...
Manufacturer Distributor Opertator
to optimize brand equity & guest experience.
Contract Management
- Negotiate New Contracts With Manufacturers
- 'Start Date' & 'End Date' Management of ALL Contracts
- Analysis of Existing Contracts With Market Validation
- Contract Price Compliance
Additional Support
- Rebate Management & Billing.
- Product Sourcing Services Including Finding New Products & New Suppliers
- Freight Verification & Support Utilizing a 3rd Party Logistics Company.
- All Reports & Savings Opportunities Are Made Available to the Restaurant Group to Make the Best Business Decisions Possible.
Get Started Today!
We always begin working with a new client by doing a
'Past-90-Days Supply Chain Transparency Report'

This will give you an inside look at what FSIC Inc does and how we can help your restaurant group.
By returning a signed Letter Of Authorization [LOA] and a Mutual Non Disclosure Agreement [MNDA] we can get started with data collection, reporting, and analysis.
The Past-90-Day Transparency Report will give you in depth detail of your past 90 days of purchases from Manufacturer, through your distributors, to your back door. This includes Compliance to Vendor, Product & Price on EVERY transaction.
FSIC, the leading provider of restaurant supply chain transparency solutions, is now offering its proven software to ‘do-it-yourselfers’−those that want to drive the car themselves!
FSIC‘s proprietary purchasing transparency platform, My.IntelliSpend, is a software-as-a-service solution that you can access anywhere you have Internet access.
My.IntelliSpend gives you transparency into all invoice transactions - standardized so you have a single view across your restaurant units, distributors, distribution points and manufacturers – on all food, supplies, smallwares, produce, specialty suppliers and beverages.
Manufacturer Bill-Back Program
FSIC helps manufacturers manage the bill back process of allowances & rebates. FSIC has a Database System that captures all cases sold, when, where, and calculates the correct amount that should be paid. We can capture by percentage, by a set amount, or for a certain amount of cases or pounds.
We capture every transaction off each invoice that allows you to know exactly what you owe and who earned the allowance.
We provide the resources to load purchase data, load allowances and rebates, and capture the amount owed and provide reports of the complete bill back amounts by distributor by client.
Let us show you a demo and you can see how this valuable tool can save you thousands of dollars at a very small fee.

DON'T Let Produce Control You!
Produce First™ works with restaurant operators to negotiate and manage direct contracts with produce distributors – yet you don’t need to invest the time or resources. Just like FSIC’s transparency and accountability-driven contract management and administration solutions, but focused specifically on your produce category, Produce First is ideal for those who only need support in this area or who want to address produce as a starting point.
FAQ: Is FSIC Inc. an Access GPO?

FSIC Inc. negotiates and positions contracts directly with the manufacturer based on the products your restaurant group needs.
With FSIC Inc. & IntelliSpendTM technology you will always have transparency into every product delivered to each of your units.
We inspect what you expect to make sure you get the right product, from the right vendor, at the right price.